Genomics & Genetics Video Lectures




Genomics and Chemical Genetics: Lecture Series

Each lecture is viewable via Flash (standard-definition or podcast-sized, with closed-captions and chapter links) or RealPlayer (video only, for slower Internet connections).

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mind2002 Holiday Lectures 
Scanning Life's Matrix: 
Genes, Proteins, and Small Molecules


Lecture 1 — Reading Genes and Genomes, by Eric S. Lander, Ph.D.
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Lecture 2 — Probing Genes and Genomes, by Stuart L. Schreiber, Ph.D
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Lecture 3 — Human Genetics: A New Guide for Medicine, by Eric S. Lander, Ph.D.
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Lecture 4 — Chemical Genomics: New Tools for Medicine, by Stuart L. Schreiber, Ph.D.
Flash or RealPlayer

Discussion Session: Teacher discussion

Discussion Session: Bioethics
Panelists: Eric S. Lander, Ph.D., Whitehead Institute, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 
Stuart L. Schreiber, Ph.D., Harvard University
Moderator: Thomas R. Cech, Ph.D.; President, HHMI 

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For older video formats, visit the Genomics Lecture Archives page.



Human Cloning and Human Rights: Promises and Perils - MIT World Video Lecture Series

Ignore the noisy debate around cloning, Rudolf Jaenisch quietly insists, and instead look closely at the biology involved. First, note that there are two different kinds of cloning: reproductive cloning, the attempt to create an exact replica of a human being, which Jaenisch believes to be both biologically flawed and morally questionable; and therapeutic cloning, which offers potential cures to some of mankind’s most devastating diseases, and from Jaenisch’s point of view, sidesteps ethical pitfalls.

The Human Genome Project - MIT World Video Lecture Series

Dr. Lander is a geneticist, molecular biologist and a mathematician, with research interests in human genetics, mouse genetics, population genetics and computational and mathematical methods in biology. 

Human Genetics: Our Past and Our Future - MIT World Video Lecture Series

Will genomics vanquish our most common diseases, or create a society based on vile eugenics – or both? David Altshuler outlines these possibilities in his informal talk and conversation at the MIT Museum.